Thursday, June 12


We hear daily in our radio sets,watch news channels and read newspapers daily that India is an I.T. Powerhouse. India is a flagship of the world I.T. industry over the past 10 years India has made a tremendous achievement in the field of information technology and software industry and the world knows what we have done, how much profits we are making where the young India is going but no one knows where is the future. But moreover India is becoming just a service providing nation to the world economy and I.T. is responsible for it. No doubt I.T. has changed many lives in the country and outside world. This world would not be as today it is without the Indian IT industry. Yes our nation is growing but just as an I.T. powerhouse and service sector giant we know how to consult and provide service to any industry or society better but we don't know how to make the computer's processing power better or making the speed of our connections and networks faster and then produce and sell them in world market in large quantities.

Just remember the good old days when after passing out 10th board examination we have to choose the streams in which we have to make our careers most of us choose to be computer professionals and be a part of the rising I.T. industry and started thinking about Infosys, Wipro and other I.T. companies and BPO companies all around the globe but no one in India is thinking about making good cars , airplanes, hardware equipments, machinery and even the most usable items like toothpaste, cold drinks, shoes and electronic equipments. Even in the top of the world in making softwares we are not producing the computer equipments, processors , chips and other electronic equipments. The simple words are, we know how to make the software for a mobile phone what is the technology installed but don't know how to make the mobile phone and if we know we are not producing it or no one is taking the initiative of making that and competing with other companies and taking it to a global level. Our government is taking each and every step to make this industry better and concentrating on more foreign investment in the form of infrastructure, IT and BPO companies .But one day we have to realize that manufacturing is the key and this is the Time to start.

This is the time to think and cover all the the sectors of the world economy and i think that everybody has a great idea inside him/her we just have to think about and realize it and if you have a great idea just go for it and don't think else. We all want India to be a developed nation and everybody wants a healthy and bright future for the coming generation and to make this happen India must be a manufacturing giant not just an I.T. Powerhouse. No nation can make progress without a higher percentage of GDP(gross domestic product) and for a higher percentage of GDP manufacturing of several products should be done at a large scale and then of course taking it to a global level. Past year's GDP of our economy was near 10 percent and there is a simple formula in economics that if GDP of an economy is x% then the Corporate profits are 2x% which is a very good sign of development but this is not sufficient for the ever growing demands of the population. Taking a look at the poverty, unemployment level of the country the GDP , Corporate profits and exports should be more higher. Now this the time for us to start thinking like the Chinese people started about the manufacturing solutions we should also start thinking about the new products what to manufacture and what to produce for the society and economy as the concerns. Manufacturing solutions are the building blocks of an economy and the more we come up with the ideas and manufacture more the nation will rise and our lives will become better. By producing more & more goods and exporting the same to the outside world. The formula of chinese success is that they have realized that if they want their country to be at top and a developed nation than they have to produce and manufacture new and more of the products.

When I think about this issue the three main hurdles come in my mind and they are technology, resources and power. According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam India can produce and manufacture any type of missile and nuclear weapon available at present in this world so what to speak the technologies of producing the commodities as well as new items and speaking about the resources we have an endless supply of resources in the country of any thing we want also an effective utilisation of resources is needed at every level of production but when it comes to power, i think it's the greatest hurdle in the success of our economy. We don't have an endless supply of electricity in india till now we have a total installed capacity of 1,35,000 MW of electricity and double is needed of the same amount in the coming years. There wiil be a requirement of 8,00,000MW of electricity by the end of year 2035.

If india has to become an industrial super power then manufacturing must be done at each and every sector at a very large scale. Now here i want to take an example that how india is dependant on foreign technology and not even watching its own technology which can be a key solution. Ever since independence our country in aviation sector is totally dependant on the two airplane manufacturing giant companies Airbus and boeing which are of France and U.S.A. Indian companies are dependant on these multinationals to buy aircrafts. According to a survey from airbus, india would be needing more than 1,000 aeroplanes by the end of year 2035 and every one knows how costly these planes are and to what extent these companies will contribute to their countries GDP respectively. D.R.D.O(defence research and development organisation) has a solution for that, the defence arm of india has a proper solution for making both aircrafts and fighter jets. This is the organisation which is able to make india's and world's only lightest supersonic fighter jet plane with all modern equipments and weapons but no one is taking care of that manufacturing solution in the country itself yah there are few companies like TATA Group which with a joint veture with boeing of U.S wants to make a big aviation company in the country but our government haven't gave any answer in favour of that venture. China would also be needing more than 2,500 aeroplanes by 2020. but they have a solution for that because they have a state owned firm which can manufature aeroplanes at a very large scale for all domestic airlines as well. They have also started the production for Air China as this airline company is their first customer.

We have the technology to deal with all the manufacturing solutions in the country the thing just is needed from where to start but we all have started to make our country a developed and a powerful industrial nation come let us make a better india a brighter future for ourselves and for the coming generation.

1 comment:

Taiser said...

19 febvier, 2010

cher Rahul,

Tu est un imbeceille? Ton bloge est ne bien pas. Etait une grande echac.
Tu vais baiser un chien et mange défécation. Ton blog est user de moins.

Aller mourir
ton ami,

P.S. Mon nationalite est ne Pakistanis pas, mon nationalite est de American et francais)

( Rahul, I wrote this comment in French, get a dictionary and find out the meaning)